Thursday, November 03, 2011

We've come a long way!

As November rolled in, I have been reminded of this season of Thanksgiving.  Not that we should only be thankful in November or on Thanksgiving day, but every day for lots of things.  I recently read a book called "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and it has impacted me greatly.  It's basically an incredibly, creatively written book about giving thanks in all things whether small or great.  The writer was challenged by a friend to began recording things she is grateful for, daily, at various moments as they came to her mind.  So, she in turn challenges her readers to do the same.  I have started this in a journal separate from my other journal (which I very sporadicly write in).  I may post more about this book in later blog entries, but this is one of the things she said that most impacted me.  She writes "In this counting gifts, one thousand, more, I discover that slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything in my life leaves me deeply thankful for very few things in my life.  A lifetime of sermons on 'thanks in all things' and the shelves sagging with books on these things and I testify:life-changing gratitude does not fasten to a life unless nailed through with one very specific nail at a time."

The last picture is one of the things I am grateful for.  Of course, I am grateful for all three of those guys and love them more than I can say.  But, I am so thankful how far Micah has come in adjusting to Gabriel.  The first picture was in the hospital the day after Gabriel was born.  You can see the tears in Micah's eyes.  I cannot describe to you how hard the first several weeks and months of Gabriel's life were for Micah, for me, maybe even Wayne.  I think Micah did not know what Gabriel was or why he was suddenly in our home.  He cried so much and at times would even hit me while I was holding Gabriel.  I remember talking to my dear friend Stacey on the phone just days after he was born and questioning whether we had made the right decision to have another baby. I felt like it was almost too much.  She had lots of wisdom and encouragement to give and prayed for me as we talked.  The days and weeks were hard, especially after moving to a new place with no friends and Micah spent a lot of time alone in his room when Gabriel wasn't sleeping.  The middle picture shows Gabriel lying on his little blanket with toys hanging down.  He was purposely put in front of the Christmas tree because that's the only way we could keep Micah away from the tree.  We called Gabriel the Christmas tree guard; maybe it was cruel but it worked!

Now, Micah willing gives Gabriel bedtime hugs and will occasionally play with Gabriel.  Sometimes Gabriel will pull him by the shirt to take him in his room.  Sometimes Micah is okay with this and not at other times.  We are trying to teach Gabriel to be respectful of him and understand if Micah doesn't want to play. 

There are still some things with Micah that are stressful, but this is one area that has gotten so much better.  And I am thankful.


Amy D said...

And we are thankful with you dear friend. What a blessed answer to prayer. It's amazing to see God working in even the "smallest" ways.

Kecia said...

Yay, what an answer to prayer! :) I still pray for Micah (almost) every day.