Thursday, November 10, 2011

MOPS playdates

These are pictures from a couple of MOPS playdates we've had this fall.  We went to tour one of the firestations in Fort Smith.  There are 10 firestations in this city, which was surprising to me, but good to know.  Gabriel loves anything having to do with firetrucks, firemen, etc.  What's interesting about him is that sometimes he doesn't want to get too close when it comes to actually seeing something in person.  He was a little scared of the firemen and didn't want to get any closer to the firetruck than the one picture I have with him standing in front.  We were actually supposed to see it up close, but they got a call in the middle of our tour and about half the men had to leave.  We moms asked a lot of questions while the kids (mostly boys) wanted to look at the many toy firetrucks, rescue trucks, and other related toys in the glass cases.  Out of all the moms, I got to put on the firesuit and had my picture taken by a man from the Fort Smith newspaper.  He took many pictures and the one that ended up in the paper was not that great.  He even took one of me with all the kids and that wasn't the one that was selected, which was disappointing.

We went to the Wild Things Farm again and it was one of the coldest days we've had, but it did warm up.  Gabriel loves going to this place.  He was not interested in sliding down their homemade slide but was happy to stand at the top and watch the other kids go down.  Next week we are going to one of the local pizza places to learn how they make pizzas.  That should be fun!

1 comment:

Kecia said...

He's growing up so fast! Looks like fun.