Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last day at Kids First

Miriam & Lisa

He got to roller skate for the first time and loved it!

Last Friday was Micah's last day at Kids First. Yes, he did "graduate" in June, but a lot of the kids go through the summer after they graduate. It was kind of sad to me that his time there is over. I remember when we first found out about Kids First, went through all the paperwork and waiting for the Tefra medicaid to be approved which took about 4 months. It was a hard waiting time, because Gabriel was a newborn and Micah had a really hard time with him being around. We got through it though and were thrilled when he started at Kids First in January of 2009. Now he starts Kindergarten on Thursday!
It's hard to articulate what a blessing that place has been for him. Miriam and Lisa have been the ones who worked with him the longest. The staff there is incredible and so many people cared for Micah. I'll try to think of most of the things they did where Micah was concerned. They taught him lots of things, sat with him when he didn't want to sit, brought him back to circle time when he got up and walked away, sat beside him at meal time so he would stay in his chair and eat, sat beside him during nap time when he was too wired to go to sleep, changed many diapers, tolerated him knocking over shelves and throwing toys and then redirected him, walked with him around the building or took him to the therapy room to bounce on a big exercise ball when he was too upset to stay in the classroom, worked with him when he didn't want to cooperate (therapists), checked his temperature and looked in his ears numerous times (nurses), endured endless flushing of the toilet and other water play, celebrated his little bits of progress, enjoyed his happy moments and smiling face, and most of all, they loved him.
I was doing okay when I went to pick him up until we were about to walk down the hallway and three or four of the staff were crying because he was leaving. I suppose it's a good thing to know your child will be missed and is loved that much.

1 comment:

Charley & Marianne said...

Awesome pics!! I just love the one of Micah looking out the window! So beautiful and I love him skating. What a joy to see!!