Most of you know we have been trying to move closer to our families since Micah was diagnosed with TS. Many of you have been praying for that and though we have very much enjoyed the bay area, we are moving on.
Wayne accepted a job earlier this week at University of Arkansas, Ft. Smith as the registrar there. Though this is a somewhat similar position as he is doing now at GGBTS, there are about 7,000 students there and he will have some different responsibilities. He is excited about the new challenges.
As far as location, Ft. Smith is in the northwest part of Arkansas right on the border with Oklahoma. Though I grew up in AR, I’ve never been to Ft. Smith. Wayne was there last week for his interviews and said it is a pretty city located in a valley on the Arkansas River. I have been a little further north in the Ozark Mountain area and it is very pretty part of the state. It is almost centrally located between our families; Wayne’s parents are about 3-4 hours away in OK, and my parents are about 5 hours away in northeast AR. We are excited about being able to see our families more than once or twice a year. Ft. Smith is the second largest city in AR, so we are hopeful that there will be good services for Micah.
When is this happening? Glad you asked. The job starts August 1; Wayne plans to work at Golden Gate until mid-July and we will likely move in the few days or week following.
The baby is due July 8th, but I really think he will come early. At my last Dr. visit, she said if I can “make it” to week 36, that would be ok. I am at week 34 now. Please pray that he stays in until week 36 or 37, I just want him to be as healthy and “cooked” as possible! Though there is much to do, I am trying to take it as easy as possible.